Analysies of Chaucer and Shakespeare – Essays and English literature analysis of The Battle of Maldon and The Wife of Bath (The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer) and Sonnet 20 (Shakespeare).
The Boar’s Head Tavern – Discussion board devoted to Renaissance authors including Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson, Kydd, Middleton, Ford, Webster and Greene.
Old Arcadia – Renaissance poets and playwrights. Featuring Marlowe, Shakespeare, Sidney, Spenser. Selected works, articles, biographies and forum.
Renaissance Forum – A refereed journal in Early Modern English literary and historical scholarship, with all articles from March 1996 to present online and searchable.
Renascence Editions – Editions from Everyman to Milton, by Richard Bear at the University of Oregon. The editions were prepared with care but are not represented as scholarly in the peer-reviewed sense.