- Babel, Isaac
- Bach, Richard
- Bache, Ellyn
- Bachmann, Ingeborg
- Backer, Sara
- Bacon, Francis@
- Badami, Anita Rau@
- Bagley, Desmond
- Bai Juyi
- Bail, Murray
- Bailey, Linda@
- Baillie, Joanna
- Bain, Darrell
- Bain, Donald
- Baines, Elizabeth
- Baker, Lori
- Baker, Nicholson
- Baldacci, David
- Baldwin, James@
- Ball, Hugo
- Ballard, J. G.
- Balzac, Honore de@
- Banks, Iain M.@
- Bantock, Nick
- Banville, John@
- Baraka, Imamu Amiri
- Barbauld, Anna L.
- Barfoot, Joan@
- Baring-Gould, Sabine@
- Barker, Clive@
- Barkhouse, Joyce@
- Barnes, Djuna
- Barnes, John@
- Barnes, John Alvah, Jr.
- Barnes, Julian
- Barnes, Steven@
- Barnes, Zoë
- Barney, Natalie Clifford
- Barrett, Robert G.
- Barrie, James M.
- Barry, Dave@
- Barry, Max
- Barry, Sebastian
- Barstow, Stan
- Barth, John
- Barthelme, Donald
- Barthelme, Frederick
- Bartimus, Tad
- Barton, Bob@
- Bashlachev, Alexander@
- Basho, Matsuo Munefusa
- Bass, Rick
- Bataille, Georges@
- Bates, Katherine Lee
- Baudelaire, Charles
- Baum, L. Frank@
- Baxter, Stephen@
- Beagle, Peter S.@
- Beai, Steve
- Bear, Greg@
- Bechard, Gorman
- Becke, George Lewis
- Beckett, Samuel
- Beckford, William@
- Bedard, Michael@
- Bedichek, Roy@
- Beebe, William
- Beerbohm, Max@
- Behan, Brendan
- Behn, Aphra
- Behr, Alan
- Beilharz, Johannes
- Belew, Ellie
- Bell, Acton@
- Bell, Currer@
- Bell, Ellis@
- Bell, Madison Smartt
- Bell, Marvin
- Bell, William@
- Bellairs, John@
- Bellamann, Henry
- Bellamann, Katherine Jones
- Bellamy, Edward@
- Bellamy, John Stark
- Belloc, Bessie Rayner
- Belloc, Hilaire
- Bellow, Saul
- Benedikt, Michael
- Benitez, Sandra@
- Bennett, Arnold
- Bennett, John
- Bentham, Jeremy@
- Bentinck, Michael
- Bentley, Edmund Clerihew
- Berenstain, Stan and Jan@
- Beresford-Howe, Constance@
- Bergstrom, Elaine
- Bernanos, Georges
- Bernstein, Charles
- Berry, Iris
- Berry, Wendell
- Berryman, John
- Berssenbrugge, Mei-Mei
- Berton, Pierre@
- Bester, Alfred@
- Betjeman, John
- Bevin, Teresa@
- Bialosky, Jill
- Bianchi, John@
- Bidart, Frank
- Bierce, Ambrose@
- Bioy Casares, Adolfo
- Bishop, Elizabeth
- Bishop, John Peale
- Bishop, Michael@
- Bisson, Terry@
- Bissoondath, Neil@
- Bjørneboe, Jens@
- Black, Arthur@
- Black, Millenia
- Blacker, Terence
- Blackmore, R. D.
- Blackmore, Richard
- Blackwood, Algernon
- Blair, Eric@
- Blake, Michael
- Blake, William
- Blamire, Susanna
- Blanchot, Maurice
- Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente
- Blaylock, James P.@
- Blevins, Richard
- Blish, James@
- Blixen, Karen@
- Bloch, Robert
- Block, Lawrence@
- Bloom, Allan@
- Bloomberg, Sandi
- Bluehorse, Elizabeth
- Bluger, Marianne
- Blume, Judy@
- Bly, Robert
- Blyler, David
- Blyton, Enid@
- Boccaccio, Giovanni@
- Bogan, Louise
- Bogart, Jo Ellen@
- Bogner, Norman
- Bogosian, Eric@
- Bok, Edward
- Boland, Eavan
- Böll, Heinrich
- Bolton, Isabel
- Bombeck, Erma@
- Bonta, Vanna@
- Bontempelli, Massimo
- Boof, Kola
- Booth, Philip
- Boran, Pat
- Borchert, Wolfgang
- Borge, Victor@
- Borges, Jorge Luis
- Boris, Cynthia
- Borrow, George@
- Bosco, Joseph
- Boswell, James
- Bottoms, David
- Bourgeois, Paulette@
- Bova, Ben@
- Bove, Robert
- Bowen, Gail@
- Bowering, George@
- Bowers, Edgar
- Bowles, Jane
- Bowles, Paul
- Box, Edgar@
- Boyars, Arthur
- Boyd, William
- Boyett, Steven R.@
- Boyle, T. Coraghessan
- Bracken, Michael
- Brackett, Leigh@
- Bradbury, Ray@
- Bradford, Karleen@
- Bradford, William@
- Bradley, Marion Zimmer@
- Bradstreet, Anne
- Bragg, Melvyn
- Brand, Dionne@
- Brandon, Jay@
- Brands, H. W.
- Brann, William Cowper
- Brant, Sebastian
- Brathwaite, Kamau@
- Braun, Lilian Jackson@
- Brautigan, Richard
- Brecht, Bertolt
- Breton, André
- Brett, Jan@
- Brice, Tim
- Brichoux, Karen
- Bright, Joe
- Brin, David@
- Bringhurst, Robert@
- Brisby, Stewart
- Briscoe, Connie
- Brittain, C. Dale@
- Brodsky, Joseph
- Bronk, William
- Brontë, Anne
- Brontë, Branwell
- Brontë, Charlotte
- Brontë, Emily
- Brontë Family
- Brooke, Rupert
- Brookmyre, Christopher@
- Brooks, Gwendolyn
- Brooks, K. S.
- Brooks, Terry@
- Broome, William
- Brown, Charles Brockden
- Brown, Dan
- Brown, Fredric@
- Brown, Marc@
- Brown, Molly
- Brown, Rita Mae@
- Brown, Rosellen
- Brown, Sterling A.
- Brown, T.E.
- Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
- Browning, Robert
- Brownrigg, Elizabeth
- Bruce, Anthony
- Bruchac, Joseph
- Brunner, John@
- Brussig, Thomas
- Brust, Steven@
- Bryant, William Cullen@
- Bryher
- Bryson, Bill@
- Bryson, Michael
- Buchan, John@
- Buchanan, Edna@
- Büchner, Georg
- Buck, Janet I.
- Buck, Pearl S.
- Budrys, Algis@
- Buffie, Margaret@
- Bujold, Lois McMaster@
- Bukowski, Charles
- Bulgakov, Mikhail
- Bull, Emma@
- Bunyan, John
- Burchill, Julie
- Bürger, Gottfried August
- Burgess, Anthony
- Burk, Martha Jane Canary@
- Burke, Alafair
- Burke, Edmund@
- Burke, James
- Burke, Martha Jane Canary@
- Burke, Martyn
- Burleson, Clyde
- Burnett, Frances Hodgson@
- Burney, Frances
- Burns, Robert
- Burr, Catherine
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice
- Burroughs, John
- Burroughs, William S.
- Burton, Sir Richard Francis@
- Busch, Wilhelm
- Butala, Sharon@
- Butler, Ellis Parker
- Butler, James L.
- Butler, Octavia
- Butler, Samuel
- Butler, Samuel, The Older
- Byars, Betsy@
- Byatt, A. S.
- Byer, Kathryn Stripling
- Byron, George Gordon