The Advance of English Poetry in the Twentieth Century – William Lyon Phelps, professor of English at Yale, looks at the change in poetry after the Victorian era, up until about 1918. British, Irish, and American poets are studied in this book.
Expansive Poetry & Music Online – A monthly Web journal of reviews, news, and excerpts from contemporary work in the Expansive Poetry movement. Also includes occasional reviews of music.
It Is, As It’s Elsewhere – Report by Lynette Abel of a class given by Eli Siegel on the meaning of poetry. In it, he discusses Carl Sandburg’s “To a Contemporary Bunkshooter.”
Lagniappe – An academic journal of poetry and poetry reviews. Also contains essays on poetics.
Modern American Poetry – Critical and historical essays and syllabi on modern American Poetry. Many of the works relate to poems in the Oxford Anthology of Modern American Poetry.
Modern Poetry – Studies of twentieth and twenty-first century poetry which focus on the “modernist” shift in style and subject matter. Poetry Articles – Articles about poets, poems, and poetry in general. Includes book reviews, student guides, and articles on writing poetry.
Poetry Book Review – Reviews of contemporary and classic English or English-language poetry collections.
Poetry Magic – A resource centre for the theory and craft of writing poetry.
Poetry of the Eighties: Deconstructive Readings – An article on the poetry of the Eighties in Finland, using deconstructive close-reading. Also, three articles upon the subject in Finnish.
Representative Poetry On-line – An on-line anthology covering the entire history of English poetry. A teaching resource hosted by the University of Toronto.
Richmond Review – London-based review keeping an eye on British, European and American writing. Contains critical reviews and poetry.
Those Who Lie Like Truth – Senior thesis comparing modern and Classical Latin confessional poetry.
A Total Absence of Critical Acumen – An article by South African poet-critic Peter Horn lamenting the South African reviewing scene–particularly the Southern African Review of Books.
The Trouble With Poetry – An essay by Robert Jaunsen that looks at what is wrong with poetry today.
University of Cape Town’s Poetry Web – A resource site for material relating to South and Southern African literature. Administered by Peter Horn.
Voices and Visions: 13 Great American Poets – A variety of media resources – including audio and video files – relating to 13 modern American poets: Bishop, Crane, Dickinson, Eliot, Frost, Hughes, Lowell, Moore, Plath, Pound, Stevens, Whitman and Williams.
Welcome to the Thoughts of a Shark – A site about poetry and writing, including poems that I have writing, along with family pictures and other fun stuff.