Library and Related Resources – List of references indexed by topics like public, school and national libraries. Also includes sections about organisations and science resources.
LibraryBug – Site offers data and facts on public libraries in the United States.
Libweb – Searchable and categorized links to over 7,000 pages from libraries in over 100 countries, including academic, public and national libraries worldwide; library organizations and consortia; and related sites. Librarianship – Point of access for librarian-selected internet resources worldwide asorted by topics.
National Library Catalogues Worldwide – Index of libraries with detailed descriptions about the handling of the search interfaces sorted by countries.
NLS/BPH: Reference Directories Index Page – A list of directories provided by the U.S. Library of Congress, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.
School Libraries on the Web – Worldwide directory of school library sites. The US categories also list related library organizations.
Switzerland’s Directory of Archives and Databases – Information on contents, location, contact, online catalogues, and the conditions of use of hundreds of databases, archives and libraries in Switzerland.
UNESCO Libraries Portal – Searchable directory for libraries worldwide sorted by category. Includes links to libraries of secondary schools, universities and other tertiary institutions.
The WWW Library Directory – Searchable directory of over 8,000 library and library-related sites worldwide arranged by countries. Includes a US section sorted by states.