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American Journal of Philology – Publishes research in Greek and Roman literature, classical linguistics, and Greek and Roman history and culture. Tables of contents and sample issuse available; full text in PDF available with subscription.
Ancient Narrative – Interdisciplinary peer-reviewed electronic journal publishing articles on Greek, Roman, and Jewish novels and narrative from the ancient and Byzantine periods. Free abstracts available; articles in PDF for subscribers. Also produces the Petronian Society Newsletter.
Arachnion – Archives of an online journal of literature and ancient history distributed by the Università degli Studi di Torino.
Arion – A journal of humanities and the classics published by Boston University. Selected articles available in PDF format; subscription information and submission guidelines also provided.
Brown Classical Journal – Undergraduate journal of essays, poetry, translations, and other works with classical Greco-Roman subjects, though submissions from other ancient societies also accepted. Site contains history, author guidelines, and archived articles.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review – Publishes timely reviews of current scholarly work in the field of classical studies. Site offers archives since 1990.
Classical Antiquity – Archives of the electronic edition of the University of California Press journal. Abstracts, tables of contents, and sample issues available for free; PDF of articles requires subscription.
The Classical Journal – Published by the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Editorial and business office contacts, subscribtion form, and contributor and advertiser guidelines.
The Classical Quarterly – Semiannual journal published by Oxford University Press for the Classical Association; features research papers and short notes in the fields of language, literature, history and philosophy of antiquity. Author information, editorial board listing, and sales information provided.
The Classical Review – Journal of the Classical Association, published by Oxford University Press. Full text available online in PDF format, with text summaries; also provides indices by author and issue, submission guidelines, prices and advertising and subscription rates, publishers’ books for review, and rights and permissions information.
Classics Ireland – Journal of the Classical Association of Ireland, archives from 1994 forward.
Cultures and Classics – Journal covering anthropological approaches to classical studies. Hypertext of current issue as well as news and related links provided.
Didaskalia: Ancient Theatre Today – English-language publication about Greek and Roman drama, dance, and music as they are performed today. Hypertext of articles provided as well as discussion groups, performance listings, conference and event information, and research resources.
Digressus – Refereed online journal published primarily for the benefit of postgraduates by a consortium of postgraduates at the universities of Nottingham and Birmingham, UK. Articles and reviews available in PDF; also provides submission guidelines, conference information, and related links.
Greece and Rome – Classical Association journal of scholarly but not technical articles on the ancient world and the classical tradition, published by Oxford University Press, known for its subject reviews. Editorial board, information for authors, rates and sales information, and sample online version available.
Histos – Electronic journal of ancient historiography at the University of Durham.
Journal of Ancient Civilizations (JAC) – A refereed journal published annually by the Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, China. Index of tables of contents of past issues, contribution guidelines, and information about ordering or exchanging issues.
Leeds International Classical Studies – An electronic classics journal associated with the Leeds International Classics Seminar. Full PDF archives available, indexed by volume, theme, and author; also provides copyright information, editorial policy, and guidelines for contributors.
New England Classical Journal – Editorial board listing and contact information for the quarterly journal of the Classical Association of New England.
Phoenix – Articles covering all areas of classical studies, published by the Classical Association of Canada. Info on subscribing and contributing, and indexes of selected issues.
Pomoerium – Resources for classicists, including an online edition of their journal and a very extensive list of Classics links.
Scholia – Critical and pedagogical articles and reviews on diverse subjects dealing with classical antiquity. Based at the University of Natal, South Africa.
Studia Humaniora Tartuensia – An open access, peer-reviewed on-line journal of the humanities, focusing on classical studies and ancient history. Site provides editorial board contacts, submission guidelines, and past issue indices.
Syllecta Classica – University of Iowa journal for interdisciplinary approaches to classics and its related disciplines. Tables of contents with abstracts provided.
Systasis – An online periodical initiated and edited by the members of the Society of Classical Philologists “Antiquity” in Skopje, Macedonia for classical philologists, historians, archeologists, and philosophers. Most content in Macedonian.
Traditio – Journal of ancient and medieval history, thought, and religion published by Fordham University. Site includes contact information, introduction, and index of articles.
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