Advanced Practical Thinking Training – Their mission is to empower people to change their lives through advanced thinking tools and techniques. Interactive online tutorial introducing de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats.
Akademos’ Garden – Institute for creativity and innovation, creativity resources, links, library, newsletters, latest creativity news and related articles.
American Creativity Association (ACA) – An incorporated non-profit organization promoting personal and professional creativity. Association membership is represented by four multidisciplinary societies: Business & Industry, Communications & the Arts, Education & Training, and Science & Technology. The ACA sponsors annual national conventions, regional meetings, and publishes a bimonthly newsletter called Focus
Art in Abundance – A site about creativity coaching for artists, art and prosperity, and creative process.
The Art of Dementia – BBC World Service interview with neurologist Bruce Miller exploring the relationship between fronto-temporal dementia and the development of new artistic abilities.
Art to Science – The Institute for Conflict Analysis – Introduces a new theory of behavior (both individual and cultural) based on the scientific study of the creative process. In addition to art exhibits that illustrate the theory, the site also includes a Creativity for Self Discovery section in which you can harness your creative powers to achieve better understanding and lasting change.
Blair Miller and Associates – A creativity consulting firm specializing in training corporate groups in the creative problem solving process, facilitating strategic meetings, coaching leaders in innovation, team work and productivity, and teaching teams to leverage diverse work styles.
BrainFlower – Share your ideas and your creativity with the world.
The Center for Creative Learning – This site offers resources and many free downloads (in PDF format) on creative learning, Creative Problem Solving (CPS), and talent development.
Center for Research on Creativity and Innovation – Conducts research and consulting services with organizations that want to improve the creativity of individuals and teams. Located in Colorado Springs, CO.
Creative Education Foundation (CEF) – A non-profit foundation aimed at enhancing creativity and change in individuals and organizations. CEF also publishes the Journal of Creative Behavior and hosts the Creative Problem Solving Institute.
Creative Net – A few tools for becoming more creative as well as a message board where new ideas can be found and improved on
Creative Slush by Chris Dunmire – Information about creative projects, articles, and tutorials; also musings about life and reflective memories.
Creative Teaching Web Site – The Creative Teaching site is a non-profit site financed by the author to help develop creative teaching and professional enthusiasm.
CREATIVITY – Enchanted Mind – We combine humor, inspiration and special techniques to enhance creativity. Create flexibility in your brain and mind by expanding yourself daily with these simple exercises.
Creativity and the Brain – Arnheim Award address. Gives an overview of current theory and recent experiments in creativity.
Creativity For Life – An exploration of creativity in everyday life, with articles, quotes, reviews and other creative resources to awaken creativity in daily life. We see creativity as process, not product.
Creativity Incorporated – A Philadelphia based organization that is noted for training business leaders in creative problem solving, whole brain technology, and creativity team techniques. Offers Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) evaluations for organizations or individuals.
The Creativity Workshop: creative writing, drawing, storytelling and personal memoir – The site explores creative process, stimulating new ideas, getting over writers’ block, gaining creative courage. For people of all backgrounds, writers, businesspeople, teachers, artists. Workshops are given in NYC, Florence, Greece, Paris, and Barcelona. – A resource for links on creativity and innovation on the web. A selection of 690 links is divided into 67 categories for the visitors convenience.
Eric Maisel – Author of many self help books on creativity.
Eureka! Ranch – Provides training and consulting in a quantifiable process for inventing breakthrough ideas for new products or business methods.
Explore Innovation – Explore Innovation is offering a workshop on creativity for business leaders in collaboration with Ballet Memphis.
Gail Carr Feldman Ph.D. – psychologist, author – Gail Feldman is a clinical psychologist and author of “From Crisis to Creativity” about transforming tragedy through creativity and the Children’s Coping Cassette Series to help parents with childhood problems.
Great ideas – This page offers suggestions to provoke thought and help to keep an idea from getting stale.
Great Solutions to Team Challenges – An interactive site offering challenges to build creative problem solving skills. Add your thoughts or submit a photo.
How To Increase Brain Power – Techniques for more effective thinking, better memory, and more creative problem-solving. Concentrates on exercises and techniques that can show almost immediate results.
IdeaMiner – Stumped? Use our tools and resources to unlock your creative potential. Download the FREE IdeaMiner creativity journal.
Imagineering – Defines the art or science of Imagineering.
Imagineering – Creative thinking books, techniques, exercises, and articles.
InnovationTools – A comprehensive site designed to provide busy entrepreneurs with a focused collection of the best resources on innovation, creativity, and brainstorming.
Inspiration: visual thinking and learning software – Inspiration K-12 supports visual thinking techniques, enabling students to easily create and update graphic organizers, concept maps, idea maps and other visual diagrams.
International Center for Studies in Creativity (ICSC) – The International Center for Studies in Creativity offers a series of courses that lead to a master of science degree or graduate certificate in creativity and change leadership.
King Solomon’s Masterclass in Creativity – Free e-book course in principles of creativity, genius and personal success based on a new understanding of Solomon’s “Song of Songs”.
Magical Genius – Explore Magical Genius. Philosophies of Creativity. Psychological, sociological and spiritual ideas on Creative Intelligence. Imaginative lifestyles in Latin Europe and San Francisco.
Talent Development Resources – One person’s annotated links on articles and interviews on creative expression and self-actualization.
Total Creativity in Business & Industry – Business creativity resources by Edward de Bono. Contains book extracts, details of courses, recommended reading, techniques and tips to develop creativity in the business environment.
new shoes today – New shoes today is a growing number of soulmates in business who give support to people and organisations on their road to creation, innovation and change. Together with clients we take on 21st century challenges. Our values: real – open – drive – fun – care – today. (2005/05/04)
coach maps – Discover how visual learning boosts creativity (2005/06/08)
Creativity and Personal Pattern Overlay – PPO Cubes – New concept in creative thinking based on each person’s life experiences and knowledge. Free information on creative ideas, inventing and where new technology comes from. (2005/06/08)
Interactive Creativity Techniques – A complete working creative problem solving methodology using 24 interactive techniques. Full Theory and Instructions provided. (2004/09/07)
Wisconsin Destination Imagination – Wisconsin Destination IMagination Organization developing and promoting creativity skills in children (2004/09/07)
Idea Space – Idea Space are experienced professionals who work with top organisations on strategic change and creativity and innovation. (2004/06/29)
Mind-blowing – This site offers creativity coaching and Muse Group Trainings based on the book The 9 Modern Day Muses and a Body Guard by Jill Badonsky. P. Zirin, MA. MFA, Certified Muse Group Facilitator. (2004/06/29)
School of Thinking – School of Thinking is a virtual school whose mission is to enrich the lives of people by helping them to become smarter and more effective thinkers. (2004/06/29)
Wily Walnut – Unleash Your Inner Genius For Creativity – Free articles on creativity, increasing intelligence, and generating innovative ideas. Featuring strategies, techniques and attitudes to get your creative juices flowing. (2004/06/29)
Personal Growth and Success Course – Tools to boost self-concept, personal and business creativity, success and motivation. Based in Las Vegas (2004/06/03)
Big Idea Generator – The Big Idea Generator is an open forum for the generation of ideas that can evolve into business ventures. (2004/05/26)
Creative Living and Therapy – Creativity therapy explored in philosophical and practical papers to resolve the artificial dichotomy of the metaphoric/symbolic and literal practical day to day living. (2004/05/26)
Archetypal Psychology chat site – A chat forum for discussion imagination, the soul, arts and literature, the practice of therapy, politics, music, ideas of James Hillman, Carl Jung, Henry Corbin and others in the archetypalist field. (2004/04/20)
the Traces library for whole-brain literacy – A collection of articles, images, and link reviews advocating a broader understanding of art and human consciousness. (2004/04/20)
The de Bono Group: de Bono Thinking Methods – The de Bono Group offers training in the powerful thinking tools developed by Dr. Edward de Bono, e.g. Six Thinking Hats, Lateral Thinking and DATT. (2004/01/09)
Creativity Home Page – The Creativity Web is a resource center containing information to help the individual become more creative. Exhaustive lists of creativity techniques, books, software, people, are the goals of this web site. (2003/11/25)
Garbl’s Creativity Resources Online – Annotated directory of Web sites that give advice for increasing creativity in writing, work, school, the arts and personal life. (2003/07/10)
Creativity, Innovation and Knowledge Capital – Writings on creativity, innovation and knowledge capital. Site offers workshops, seminars and ecoaching using creativity to enable strategic planning. (2003/06/26)
Centered Path – This site offers online courses and mentoring in writing, creative spirituality, creativity coaching and business practices for creative and healing practitioners. (2003/05/27)
Lynda Curtin, Opportunity Thinker – Six Thinking Hats and Lateral Thinking training and certification conducted in North America. Idea generating sessions are conducted at The Idea Loft. Keynote presentations are delivered at conferences. (2003/05/27)
CReative European Association Conference – European Creative Problem Solving Conference. A conference where you can explore and expand your creativity. With support from Creative Education Foundation and Creative Problem Solving Institute (2003/03/19)
Ideas by Creativity Pool – A free pool full of new ideas and inventions. People can search the database for invention ideas, or donate their own ideas and be rewarded. (2003/03/19)
IM-BOOT Creativity, Innovation Circle & Innovation Management – offers information on creativity, innovation, innovation management or idea creation. It provides information related to these topics from various perspectives. (2003/01/02)
Researchautism – LOGOS is a cognitive approach to autism and creative intelligence. It explains why autistics dislike change and how we balance conservation with renovation. (2003/01/02)
The Creative School – Creativity resources and information including links to sites introducing programs that help people tap their inner creative resources. (2002/10/23)