Clayton Library Friends, Houston, Texas – Group supporting the Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research. Membership benefits, scheduled programs, volunteer opportunities, and archive of newsletter articles.
Friends of Akron-Summit County Public Library, Ohio – Membership information, links to branch Friends, slide show of items available at Library Shop on Main, used book search service, volunteer application form.
Friends of Encinitas Library, California – Book sale, Friends and library events, membership, Friends board meeting schedule, agendas, minutes, and treasurer reports.
Friends of Hoboken Library, New Jersey – Purpose, membership information, events, book sales, and merchandise. Details of programs sponsored by the Friends.
Friends of Multnomah County Library, Oregon – History, purpose, events, book sale, Library Store, current and past newsletters. What’s New? page features new works and work in progress by local and visiting authors.
Friends of Oakland Public Library, California – Fund-raising and advocacy for the Oakland Public Library. Friends activities and membership information, and news from the Bookmark Bookstore.
Friends of Park Forest Public Library, Illinois – Features articles from the Friends newsletter, scheduled lecture series, upcoming events, news about quarterly book sales, and fund-raising products.
Friends of Santa Cruz Public Libraries, California – Calendar of Friends and Library activities, weekly highlights, Friends newsletter. Volunteer, sponsor, and membership information, with on-line volunteer application. Friends store, with pictures of gift items.
Friends of St. Paul Library, Minnesota – Friends Renewal campaign (a major fund-raising effort). Advocacy news, including position paper on the library budget.
Friends of the Ashland Public Library – Information on this group of community members working on behalf of the library to raise funds and community involvement in the library in Ashland, Massachusetts.
Friends of Thousand Oaks Library, California – Membership, book sale, and volunteer information. Excerpts from the current newsletter, calendar of events, endowment fund, event reservations on-line.