Anthology of Spanish Poetry – Several poems and interesting information about Spanish grammar and phonetics.
An archaeology of the Boom – A resource page with related articles about the works of Jorge Luis Borges, Alejo Carpentier, Juan Rulfo, Carlos Fuentes, Julio Cortázar, Gabriel García Márquez and Manuel Puig.
Argentine Literature – Ricardo Güiraldes’s novel, “Don Segundo Sombra”. Overview and a passage translated from Spanish to English language.
At Home Abroad – The little-known field of Jewish Latin American Literature, an essay by Stephen Sadow.
Ayvu Membyre – “Offspring of the Distant World”, poetry in Guarani, Spanish and English by Susy Delgado.
Biblioteca Virtual Freyre – Americanism and Latinity in Latin America: increasing interdependence and decreasing separateness, an essay by Gilberto Freyre.
Brazilian Cultural Page – Provides English resources for books, writers and articles from Brazil.
Cervantes and the Modern Latin American Narrative – An essay by Roberto González Echevarría examines how the Quijote has been re-written in Latin America and Cervantes as a figure of the author is more important than Don Quijote the character, in contrast to Spain.
El Sur del Sur – Argentinean literature history, from 1810 to 1990.
Essays, Plays, Poems, and Translations – Contains “Literature and Revolution” by Fernando Alegria. An essay about the authenticity of experimentation, innovation and the revolutionary dynamism of existing Hispano American narrative.
Famous Hispanic writers – A short list of some famous Hispanic writers with their biographies and links to related pages.
First Light – An Anthology of Paraguayan Women Writers translated to English by Susan Smith Nash.
Guides to Latin American Studies – Sources for the study of Latin American Language and Literature, general bibliographies and electronic databases. By University of California, Berkeley.
HFAC – Selected Internet resources in the Literature of Spain and Portugal.
The Internet: a Latin American Province – Based on his literary and cultural analysis, Roberto Hernández Montoya concludes that the Internet can be a Latin American province because its universal connections storm every frontier and place you everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
Latin American Jewish Literature – A Bibliography of works published from 1996. Related sources about fiction, poetry, theater and film.
Latin American Literature at CSU – A topic guide prepared by Joanne Gass, Professor of English and Comparative Literature, California State University, Fullerton.
Mexican Poetry at AnaMia – A personal compendium of poetry. Includes poems by Amado Nervo, Jaime Sabines, Octavio Paz, Alfonso Reyes e Isabel Freire.
NPR : Mexican Author Carlos Fuentes – Bob Edwards interviews Mexican author Carlos Fuentes about his new book, Inez. Some interesting links related to the book.
On Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude – The full text of a lecture at Malaspina College in 1995. Focuses on the following facets: magic realism, time as linear and circular history, the distinction of men and women, and its relation with Latin America.
One Hundred Years of Solitude – Intends to introduce Garcia Marquez and his major works, and it is dedicated specially to his masterpiece: One Hundred Years of Solitude.
Pulp Fiction "The Historieta" – The case of México. Archetypes and themes. The Historieta as an instrument of political propaganda, as well as a means of social communication and source of popular entertainment, by Sergio Ulloa
SAmericaWriters group – A virtual place for readers and writers interested in talking and trading information on South American writers.
Sincronia – A semiotics of film and literary fiction: classic, modern, and postmodern. By Lauro Zavala, Universidad Autónoma de México, UAM Xochimilco, Mexico City.
The Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Project – An electronic edition of her complete works based on the text of Adolfo Méndez Plancarte and Alberto G. Salceda.
Spanish and Latin American literature – Study guide designed for the student of Spanish or Latin American literature. It is a selected list of resource materials available in the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library.
Tiras cómicas latinoamericanas – A sampling of Latin American comics, both Spanish and Portuguese, edited by Mark Rosenfelder.
A Writer on the Edge – An article, by Beatriz Sarlo. Concludes, in short, that there is no writer in Argentine literature more Argentine than Jorge Luis Borges.
Zeroland – South American literature directory. Alphabetical listing of online literary resources organized by country and author name.