Beta Phi Mu – The international Library and Information Studies honor society founded by a group of librarians and library educators to recognize and encourage scholastic achievement among library and information studies students.
Documents in Information Science – Database of articles and conference proceedings published in electronic format in the area of library and information Science. Contains articles and papers some of which are full-text.
DREI – Digital Reference Education Initiative – DREI QuestionAuthority is a forum for various individuals in the reference community post their thoughts on current issues in digital reference education and training.
Infography about Library News – Resources recommended by a librarian who specializes in research about current events in librarianship. – Indian site that covers list of forthcoming training programs, workshops, conferences, and seminars. It provides a variety of useful resources for library professionals.
Librarians’ Resource Center – A selective collection of resources compiled to facilitate information search and retrieval. Organized in three categories: public service (pointers to search engines, topical guides, ready reference and databases on the net), professional development (knowledge management, library literature, employment resources, and library associations), and technical resources (cataloguing, internet/intranet development tools, and acquisitions sourcing). Provided by the Toronto chapter of the Special Libraries Association.
The Libraries FAQ – A collection of basic information regarding libraries and librarianship, and an introductory guide to library resources on the Internet.
Library and Information Studies Resources – Created by Rutgers Libraries, this site offers a useful overview of library and information studies resources on the Internet. Although some information is directly related to the School of Communication, Information and Library Studies at Rutgers, there is substantial content of interest to all. There are extensive lists of electronic journals and newsletters, and electronic texts relating to the profession, as well as Internet subject guides, links to library schools in the U.S. and Canada, to a variety of listservs, and to libraries, consortia and professional organizations. There are also significant resources in three specific subject areas: digital library projects, copyright, and young adult and children’s literature.
Library Link – United Kingdom discussion and information forum for librarianship and information management.
Library Support Staff Resource Center – Links for education, employment, classifications and wages statistics, organizations and events, e-mail lists, and other resources for library paraprofessionals. – Hosts a variety of library and library science related sites.
LISWiki – A free and open library and information science encyclopedia. Built using the Wiki software, meaning that anyone can contribute.
National Commission on Libraries and Information Science – An independent agency of the US federal government charged with advising the executive and legislative branches on national library and information policies and plans.
NDIIPP – National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program – In December 2000, Congress appropriated $100 million for a national digital-strategy effort, to be led by the Library of Congress. The LOC seems develop a national strategy to collect, archive and preserve the burgeoning amounts of digital content, especially materials that are created only in digital formats, for current and future generations.
ODLIS: Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science – Glossary of library terminology designed as a reference resource for library and information science professionals, university students and faculty, and the general reader and library user.
Planning and Building Libraries – Information and resources for architects, librarians, design consultants, and students interested in planning and building libraries.
snail’s trail – Librarianship, tech and other stuff from a Sydney librarian.
Steven Bell’s Keeping Up Page – Categorized and annotated list of information sources useful for librarians’ professional development.
Top Technology Trends for Libraries – A dozen leading members of the Library and Information Technology Association discuss the technological issues that have a good chance of affecting libraries in the next few years.
UKOLN Public Library Networking Focus – Contributes to strategic, policy-making, awareness raising and development activities in the area of public library networking and lifelong learning. Previous projects, resources for public librarians, current initiatives, publications and presentations, hosted resources, links to related materials, and contact information.
WebJunction – An online community where library staff meet to share ideas, solve problems, take online courses, and have fun.
What is the Future of the Book in the Digital Era? – Transcript of a round table discussing different concerns such as shortage of paper, distribution, penetration of audiovisual media, literacy, and the new form this durable medium may take.
The Young Librarian – Features articles written by young librarians on topics relating to new professionals. Also has links to resources on the web.