Animated Insights - "A resource for non-artist animation careers," by professional writer Shannon Muir.
Animation Writers Caucus - Hosted by The Writers Guild of America. Site includes statement of purpose, news, related links, events schedule, member directory, and informational article: "What Every 'Toon Writer Needs to Know."
Animation-Writer.Com - Animation writing resources with recommended links on sample scripts, classes, articles and interviews, books and software, and writer homepages.
Gore & Lombard - Official site of cartoon writers Evan Gore and Heather Lombard.
Howard Beckerman: Animation, the Whole Story - Book authored by veteran animator and animation historian offering history of animation and detailed how-to guide for creating animation productions, including story writing.
Suite 101: Animation Writing and Production - Insight and advice into writing and working at non-artist jobs in animation by Shannon Muir, an industry professional. Includes articles archive.
An Animated Discussion - By Alan Waldman. [WrittenBy Magazine] Interviews with primetime TV animation writers Mike Scully, David X. Cohen, Richard Appel, Patric M. Verone, Steve Tompkins, Seth MacFarlane, Larry Wilmore and Matthew Carlson. (May, 2000)