Bezerk - Student comics magazine based at University of California at Berkeley. Back issues online in PDF and GIF format.
Bonafide Comics - Online strips (Doxi the Dog, Dooley Dooce), Flash games and comics news.
BorderWalker - Online comics (mostly adventure, fantasy and SF), also reviews and columns.
BugPowder - UK weblog on small-press comics. Also hosts several related sites with online comics and other resources, including the review zine TRS2 and Andy Konky Kru's Dachshund.
Collected Edition - News, reviews, interviews and opinions on mainstream comics.
Collector Times Online - Publication for comics and other collectibles with articles about comics, collecting, and gaming.
4-Color Review - Reviews, opinions, articles, and message board.
Savant - News, essays, reviews, letters, and forum, submissions accepted.
Sequential Tart - Web zine about the comics industry with a focus on women's issues.
Silver Bullet Comics - News, reviews, interviews, and message board, focused on superheroes but with a small-press section.
The Slush Factory - Comic book and pop culture magazine updated daily with news, reviews and interviews. Columnists include Dwayne McDuffie and John Byrne.