Documentary: "49?" - Short movie by Sherman Alexie ( as part of the Seattle International Film Festival Fly Filmmaking Challenge. Gene Tagaban (The Business of Fancydancing) explores the Indian Musical Style known as a 49."
Poetry Talk with Sherman Alexie - YahooGroups group featuring Alexie, who will select a different collection of poetry each month for discussion. Alexie will participate in a once-a-month online discussion of the collection with members.
Sherman Alexie's Directorial Debut Hits Close to Home - Seattle Times article (May 2002) about "The Business of Fancydancing" being made in the Pacific Northwest. Includes quotes from the author. [Requires registration]
Sherman Alexie's Website - Official website of Sherman Alexie. Includes latest news, interviews, tour dates and gallery.
'Tonto' rides into an unsettling sunset - Book review of Alexie's book, "The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven," conducted by John LaRoe and printed in the Kansas City Star.
Tour Schedule - Author's touring schedule, with information on dates and locations.
Universal Story - Boston "Phoenix" review of Smoke Signals, including interview with the author.
Unofficial Sherman Alexie Fan Club - A list of author's poetry, stories, novels, screenplays, as well as links to other information about or related to him.
Up All Night - Transcript of Alexie's interview on PBS's "Now" with Bill Moyers.
Upward Bound Visit - Photos from visit with Colorado's Upward Bound, a program for teens