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- Chicano Literature and Latino Fiction - Eclectic list of books on Chicano and Latino literature, including books for children and young adults, novels, short story collections, poetry, and non-fiction books, by Sergio Troncoso, author of The Last Tortilla and Other Stories.
- Chicano Literature Index - List of contemporary Chicano authors, with bibliographical information, at San Antonio College.
- Children's Literature - Bibliography on children's literature focusing on Latinos.
- A Guide to Latino Literature by Students for Students - Website guide to Latino literature maintained by students at Capital Community College in Connecticut. Provides lists of Latino authors, anthologies, and books currently out of print.
- A haphazard guide to Chicanas doing any variant of Chicana/o Studies - In-process directory of Chicana/Latina academics who work on Chicana Studies in Education, Humanities and the Arts.
- Latina and Latino Literature: Anthologies of the 1990s - Selected bibliography compiled at the University of Texas at Austin.
- Latino Heritage: Literature - University of Texas at San Antonio's compilation of reference guides, criticism, anthologies, and author interviews.
- Latino Literature - Essay and annotated bibliography by Marc Zimmerman of the University of Illinois at Chicago.
- Latino Literature by Kirsha Torres - San Francisco website dedicated to Puerto Rican and Latino literature, with information on libraries, books, publishers, and writers.
- LatinoGuide - Guide to Latino literature with emphasis on Puerto Rican-American, Chicano/a, and Cuban-American writers.
- Mexican-American Literature - Information on books dedicated to literary criticism and history of Mexican-American literature.
- Southwestern Literature Homepage - Project of Tom Lynch's Southwestern Literature class at New Mexico State University, including author biographies, topics, and student responses to writers.
- Web Guide to Hispanic Literature - Guide to Hispanic and Latino literature resources from South Texas Community College.
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