Ancient Rome and English Renaissance Theatre – The two matters considered in depth are the relationship between the design of performance arenas in Elizabethan England and those of Ancient Rome, and Early Modern Plays with a Roman theme.
British Graduate Shakespeare Conference – Details of the annual Conference, at the Shakespeare Institute Stratford where postgraduate students submit work on Shakespeare and his contemporary dramatists. The site includes the text of papers delivered.
Condemnation of Elizabethan Theater – An examination of attempts by the Puritans and the London Corporation to shut down the theaters, as well as the royal protection which allowed the theaters to thrive.
Elizabethan Era Historical Lecture – Review of Surveillance, Militarism and Drama in the era of Shakespeare and Marlowe. Background for historical plays.
Elizabethan Playhouses, Actors, and Audiences – An overview of Elizabethan Theatre; covers regulation and licensing of plays, objections to playhouses, companies of actors, and composition and ownership of plays.
The Elizabethan Theatre – An illustrated lecture on the development of the Elizabethan theatre, covering both playhouses and the dramas performed.
The History of The Rose – History of the first theatre South of the Thames together with details of the excavation of the site.
London’s disreputable South Bank – In an essay entitled ‘Wrong Side of the River,’ Jessica Browner considers London’s disreputable south bank in the sixteenth and seventeenth century.
Poems by 16th Century Dramatists – An index of poems by some of the most important dramatists of the sixteenth century, including William Shakespeare, Torquato Tasso, and Lope de Vega.
Puritanism and the Theatre – An essay considering the reasons behind the Puritan opposition to the Early Modern theatre.