Raymond Chandler Club - Detailed analysis of the plot, theme, setting and characters of his books, plus links to similar books. Sign up to be a Raymond Chandler scholar.
The Raymond Chandler Web Site - A presentation of 1940s Los Angeles as seen through the works of the author, as well as critical essays, reviews, and bibliography.
Shamus - A Tribute to Philip Marlowe - Overview of Chandler's Philip Marlowe character and novels, their cinema, television and radio adaptations, and completions and sequels written by Robert B. Parker.
Long, frank and forlorn goodbye - A review by Robert McCrum of "The Raymond Chandler Papers: Selected Letters and Non-Fiction", from The Observer. (December 3, 2000)
Writer with a Gimlet Talent - Electronic Mail & Guardian's review of Tom Hiney's Chandler biography. (June 30, 1997)