See also:
- Anthology of Male Poetry - Men's Magazine anthology of modern poetry called "Men of Our Time"
- The Blue Moon Review - The Internet's Premier Literary Review. New work published on a monthly basis
- Bob Dylan's - Hosted on's site are the lyrics of this Bob Dylan song.
- Bruce Harris Bentzman poems - Two poems that indirectly touch gender (at the Blue Moon Review Poetry Page).
- Gender And History in Love Poetry - Brief review of Gender And History In Yeats's Love Poetry by Cullingford, Elizabeth Butler Softcover
- Legends of Roland - Enjoyable review of the legends, links and ideas on Men's Stories.
- Performance and Gender in Ancient Greece - Describing how men and women performed poetry in Ancient Greece, Ms. Eva Stehle shows this poetry as "an occasion for the performer's self presentation."
- Poetry for Men - MenWeb site offers a brief synopsis of modern "men's movement" poetry along with links to "web casts" of major poets reading their work, aloud on-line.
- Women's Poetry - W W Norton section on women's studies with descriptions and links to women's poetry books used in college programs.