- Home of the TECHWR-L mailing list. Features many useful links, archives, educational resources, job listings, and a topical "chat" section for the technical writing professional.
AAAS Annual Meeting - Science journalists recognizes outstanding reporting for a general audience and honor individuals (rather than institutions, publishers or employers) for their coverage of the sciences, engineering and mathematics.
Allyn and Bacon TechCommunity - Resources for Technical Communicators on studying, teaching or practicing technical communication.
APEX Awards for Publication Excellence - Annual awards competition providing recognition for outstanding publications from newsletters and magazines to annual reports, brochures and Web sites. Over 90 categories under 11 headings. Deadline 15 March 2002.
Biomedical Writing - Learn about biomedical writers and biomedical writing with articles, links and resources.
Exploring Technical Communication - A 30-minute streaming documentary about the field of technical communication, including documentation writing, usability testing, project management, user interface design and rhetorical theory.
Functional Spec Tutorial - Learn what a functional specification is, why they're used, and how to write one.
Great Technical Writing - Resources for people who want to become technical writers and for people who want or need to hire them. Many detailed articles.
The Institute of Technical Writing - Learn how to become a technical writer. Study where and when you want, supported by your own tutor.
Longman: English Pages: Technical Writing - Provides examples of technical writing model documents with and without annotation, including in bibliography, software manuals, extended definitions, feasability studies, technical descriptions.
Man, Machine and Technical Communication - A study the needs that companies have in organizing their technical communication, what type of equipment is needed and how this equipment can be developed to optimize human-computer interaction
Newbie Tech Writer - Site for people who want to break in to technical writing. Includes job links, tool information and advice. - Online courses for the professional development of technical writers. - Technical Communication by Paula Puffer - Technical Writing can encompass a myriad of skills including writing, graphic design, and programming. Information about networking, technical communication resources, and How to for new technical communicators.
Tech Writing Marketplace - Sells e-books about technical writing, and offers a free email newsletter with jobs, advice, and resources for aspiring to advanced technical writers. - Articles on getting started, skills, standards, templates, techniques, graphics, and education. Site also has articles about fountain pens, calligraphy, and imagery intelligence. - Learn more about technical writing. Contribute to an online community of technical writers. Staffing services and placement agency for technical writers provided.
The Write Team UK - The Write Team is an independent technical writing group based in London UK.
Writers Write - Links to technical writing jobs, resources for technical writers, technical information and a technical writing message board.
Writing Effective Proposals - The California Department of Education provides information on writing about educational plans and programs.
Writing Technical Articles - Notes which apply to technical papers in computer science and electrical engineering, with emphasis on papers in systems and networks.