See also:
- E Ink Corp. - Information on and demonstration of electronic ink technology: non-volatile reflective displays, with dramatic benefits over traditional media: very low mass, low power use, huge sizes (meters across), physically flexible.
- Gyricon Media - The company that markets PARC's electronic paper under the trademark SmartPaper. Information about the products nd the company.
- Howstuffworks: How Electronic Ink Will Work - An illustrated introduction to e-ink's production and uses.
- Xerox PARC: Gyricon - Electronic reusable paper using bichromal beads to display information. Low cost and power, non-volatile.
- Sony E-Book to be Written in Electronic Ink - "The consumer electronics maker is using electronic ink in its new e-book, marking one of the first applications of the next-generation display technology." [CNet] (March 24, 2004)
- Flexible Displays on the Horizon - The future will be flexible, as screens you can roll up and take with you enter production, argues technology analyst Bill Thompson. [BBC News] (February 20, 2004)
- Researchers Create Flexible, Paper-thin Electronic Screen - "In a step toward electronic newspapers and wearable computer screens, scientists have created an ultra-thin screen that can be bent, twisted and even rolled up and still display crisp text." [Associated Press] (May 7, 2003)
- How Paper is Becoming Super Smart - The prospects of PARC's SmartPaper. [ZDNet] (November 4, 2002)
- Start-up Reveals the Skinny on Screens - E Ink is demonstrating a prototype of a flexible computer screen that's half as thick as a credit card. [CNet] (June 2, 2002)
- Are We Ready for Digital Paper? - Commentary on the promise of electronic paper that responds to digital pens. [ZDNet] (March 11, 2002)
- Quality Leap for E-paper Developers - Short update on Philips Research developments with a new flexible display. [BBC News] (December 5, 2001)
- E-Paper Moving Closer - Highlights efforts of Gyricon Media and the E-ink Corporation. [BBC News] (September 8, 2001)
- Think 'E Ink' If You Like Paper - Philips Components and E Ink Corp. present new high visibility, low power prototypes. [Wireless News] (June 6, 2001)
- What's Next: Batteries Push Paper Into Electronics Age - Flexible batteries hold promise for electronic paper. Free registration required. [NY Times] (May 24, 2001)
- Electronic Ink Hits Display Screens - Report on E-Ink's electronic paper efforts. [ZDNet] (May 10, 2001)
- E-Paper Moves a Step Nearer - Researchers build a prototype sheet of flexible plastic electronic paper. [BBC News] (April 23, 2001)
- 'Radio Paper' from E Ink - An update on E Ink's business deals. [Publishers Weekly] (March 19, 2001)
- Stop the Presses (Beyond Paper: Part Two) - An overview of the development of Gyricon's electronic paper technology. [] (March 6, 2001)
- Will Pixels Kill Paper? (Beyond Paper: Part One) - A report on the current electronic book and electronic ink endeavors. [] (March 5, 2001)
- E Ink: Your Hands Will Thank You - Coverage of the E-Ink and Philips Components announcement to jointly develop high-resolution e-ink displays for handheld devices, touching on the technology and benefits of such products. [Wired] (March 1, 2001)
- Electronic Paper Turns the Page - Detailed article on the recent history of e-ink development. [Technology Review] (March 1, 2001)
- Beyond E-Books: Glimpses of the Future - A report on electronic paper and multimedia books. [Publishers Weekly] (January 1, 2001)
- E-Ink for E-Books - The E Ink and Xerox projects with electronic paper. [Biblio Tech Review] (January 1, 2001)
- Spinoff Moves Into E-Ink Market Space - Xerox spins off Gyricon Media, makers electronic reusable paper. [Boston Business Journal] (December 18, 2000)
- Flexible Displays for Electronic Ink - E Ink's new prototypes of flexible, plastic, electronic paper. Free registration required. [New York Times] (November 30, 2000)
- E-Paper Here Sooner Than You Think - A tongue-in-cheek overview of e-ink projects. [ZDNet AnchorDesk] (November 21, 2000)
- E Ink Agreement with Lucent Will Help Develop Electronic Paper - Collaboration announcement between Lucent Technologies and E Ink Corp. [Information Today] (September 1, 2000)
- Company Hopes 'Electronic Ink' Will Transform Books and Newspapers - Developers at E-Ink and Xerox are working on electronic replacements for ink and paper that may one day lead to electronic books that are portable, renewable and cheap. [CNN] (August 30, 2000)
- Electronic Ink Shows Its True Colors - E-Ink and Xerox are among the companies hoping to change the way you use a pen and paper. A summary of e-ink technology and business. [PC World] (August 28, 2000)
- Reading the Electronic Ink on the Wall - A technological and economic overview of E Ink's plans to make electronic paper. [USA Today] (May 9, 2000)
- E-Ink Writes its Future on E-Paper - "J.C. Penney is testing E-Ink's new e-paper technology on erasable signs. A commercially viable product is only three years away." [ZDNet News] (January 4, 2000)
- E Ink's Message: We're Creating a New Medium - The concept and implications of electronic ink innovations. [BusinessWeek] (November 16, 1999)
- Electronic Ink Makes Its Mark - An early look at a J.C. Penney store using electronic ink signs. [Wired] (May 30, 1999)
- The New Papyrus, from Xerox - Xerox PARC engineers are working on electronic paper, a fabric-like material that can display digital text. [Wired] (November 4, 1998)
- Digital Ink - The advantages of electronic ink over plain paper. [Wired] (May 1, 1997)