Baron Von Lodge in Lilliland [ Kids/Teens ] - A collection of single-page morality tales about Baron Von Lodge, the ruler of Lilliland, Lady Angela, and their friends and fellow countrymen.
Bedtime Story [ Kids ] - The criteria for a tale's inclusion on the Bedtime-Story site, is that the story must be as pleasant for an adult to read, as it is for a child to hear. Recommended age group is 6 and up.
Children's Books Online: The Rosetta Project [ Kids ] - Offers dozens of illustrated children's classics in .HTML format. Books may be read online or downloaded for offline viewing. Some titles available in multiple languages.
A Children's Story [ Kids ] - Animated tale of a prince's search for his princess. [ Kids/Teens ] - Provides a selection of traditional fairy tales. Includes illustrations.
The Colorful Story Book [ Kids/Teens ] - Online version of this book published during WWII includes illustrated versions of Puss in Boots, The Three Little Kittens, The Three Pigs, The Three Bears, Rumplestiltzkin, The Owl and the Pussycat.
Croatian Tales of Long Ago [ Kids/Teens ] - Comprised of cartoons, animated interactive stories and games, inspired by fairy tales written by Ivana Brlic Mazuranic in 1916, based on the Slavic mythology.
Editec Children's Books [ Kids ] - Illustrated, online children's books including a large selection of classic stories, rhymes, and fables.
Fablevision Place [ Kids ] - Visit the Fable Library for online stories and tune in to Fable Radio to hear stories online.