Animated Tall Tales [ Kids ] – Animated versions of classic American tales like Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, and others. Fully narrated online story books and Flash cartoons.
The Baldwin Project [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] – Online editions of classic children’s books from the golden age of children’s literature (1880-1922).
Books for Young Readers [ Kids ] – Electronic text versions of young children’s books and rhymes. Most are illustrated. Children’s Classics [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] – Offers online selection of classic stories for kids and teens. Includes links to short stories for kids.
Catcher in the Rye Essays [ Teens/Mature Teens ] – Includes a summary of the book, an “about the author” section, essay ideas and help, and completed essays.
Children’s Classics List from The Horn Book [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] – A downloadable listing of children’s classics with associated descriptions arranged by age group. The list was compiled by Mary M. Burns. [PDF]
Classic Bookshelf [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] – E-texts presented with the aid of an applet which allows the choice of font size, spacing, and color.
Classic Reader [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] – A large collection of full-length classic stories for online reading.
Classics for Young People [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] – A list of classic literature for young people sorted by author. HTML versions of the text are included for many of the books.
Golden Books [ Kids ] – Offers printable activities and games based on childhood favorites.
IPL Story Hour [ Kids ] – A small collection of online stories for younger readers. Contents include: Mother Goose, The Tortoise and the Hare, and others.
Jack London’s Writings [ Teens/Mature Teens ] – A collection of electronic text versions of novels and short stories by Jack London.
Kids’ Corner [ Kids ] – Featuring the stories of Beatrix Potter in text, RealAudio, streaming media, and multimedia slide shows.
Mary Jo’s E-texts [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] – A collection of electronic classics covering a range of authors. A document viewer is required to view these zipped files.
The Motley Kids [ Teens/Mature Teens ] – Dedicated to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. An online project at Westminster High School in California for English Honors 2.
The Online Books Page [ Teens/Mature Teens ] – Electronic texts archived at the University of Pennsylvania Digital Library. Search or browse by author/title/subject.
The Real Mother Goose [ Kids ] – The original text complete with all the rhymes and scanned illustrations.
Treasure Island: Classic Books for Teens [ Teens/Mature Teens ] – A list of fifty classic books appropriate for young adults each linked to corresponding public domain versions of the text. List is sorted by author.
Trina’s Curious George Website [ Kids/Teens ] – Find information about Curious George and his creators, pictures, an introduction to the series, and links.
University of Virginia Electronic Text Center: The Modern English Collection [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] – Browse and search the publicly-accessible electronic texts from this extensive selection. Browse by author, or area of interest. Search by author or title or keywords/phrases within the text. Some titles include illustrations.
The Virtual Bookshelf [ Kids/Teens ] – An archive of virtual books in a web-friendly format.
The War of the Worlds [ Teens/Mature Teens ] – E-text of The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells.
Young People’s Zone [ Kids/Teens ] – A site with children’s literature online sorted by series and author. Includes fairy tales, Avonlea series, fables, Robin Hood tales, and other classics