- Capitalizing [ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Provides a list of rules and examples. Includes sentences, quotations, proper nouns, names, titles, and scientific nomenclature.
- Cliche Finder [ Teens/Mature Teens ] - A searchable database of overused expressions, with a fun feature creating a random list.
- Common Errors in English [ Teens/Mature Teens ] - An explanation of common English usage errors and how to avoid making them.
- Commonly Confused Words [ Mature Teens ] - Presents a list of words often used wrongly in scientific and technical writing.
- Deadwood Phrases [ Teens/Mature Teens ] - Offers a list of alternatives to common deadwood phrases to help make writing clearer.
- Dictionary of English: Clichés, Pretentious Language, and Jargon [ Mature Teens ] - Presents a list of examples of three kinds of language to avoid, with an explanation of why they are not recommended.
- The Elements of Style - William Strunk [ Teens/Mature Teens ] - Principal requirements of plain English style. Focuses on the rules of usage in literature, composition and grammar.
- Garbl's Editorial Style Manual [ Teens/Mature Teens ] - Searchable advice on abbreviations, capitalization, grammar, numbers, punctuation, spelling and word usage.
- Guide to Grammar and Writing [ Mature Teens ] - Features searchable index of grammatical rules, explanations, comments on style, and usage suggestions.
- Plain English Campaign [ Mature Teens ] - Working internationally to try to get public information written in plain English, instead of using gobbledygook, jargon and legalese. Includes examples, with annual awards for the worst offenders.
- Plain Language [ Mature Teens ] - A guide to help writers avoid confusing language and long-windedness. Can be viewed online or downloaded as a PDF.
- Right Words [ Teens/Mature Teens ] - A series of short articles about grammar and punctuation, with light hearted examples of common mistakes.
- The Sports Cliche List [ Teens/Mature Teens ] - A searchable collection of cliches used by American teams, fans, coaches and commentators, with humorous comments and sound clips.