Canadian Heroes in Fact and Fiction – Short illustrated profiled of personalities, both historical and fictional, who have inspired and enriched the nation.
FemBio – Institute for Women’s Biography Research – Luise F. Pusch’s FemBio database contains biographical information on over 30,000 notable women worldwide. Accumulated since 1982; entries added continually. Also: Woman of the Day/Week.
Great Men and Women of the World – Provides biographies of great men and women of the world. Organized into sections on leaders and activists, heroes and humanitarians and scientists. Profiles available in English and French.
Heroes of History – Selection of noteworthy persons, their accomplishments and failures.
International Biographical Centre – List of dictionaries in the fields of Music, Literature and Poetry. General and specific biographical titles of today’s leading personalities. – Tells the stories of ordinary people who have accomplished extraordinary things.
Their Stamp on History – Explores the lives of important historical people whose pictures have appeared on U.S. postage stamps.
Time 100 – Profiles the 100 most influential people of the 20th century (as selected by TIME Magazine) in five fields of endeavor.
World Biographical Index – K. G. Saur Publishing – Free access to a large biographical database containing over 2 million references to persons. Search by name (or part of name) in combination with occupation, year of birth or death, year cited, and biographical archive.