AOL CityGuide - Local perspectives on headline news, weather, sports, entertainment listings and restaurant reviews.
Atlocal - Provides Internet search for businesses in specific areas.
Boulevards City Guides - Guide to cities in the US includes information such as: arts and culture, movies, entertainment, bars and clubs, restaurants, music, politics and people.
Community Information by Zip Code - A guide to statistics and other data available by zip code, including population, education, health, environment, business and politics; from California State University Northridge.
Community Profile Network - Features information from history, tourism and entertainment to education and government on towns and cities across the country.
Discover Our Town - Includes information on lodging, dining, shopping, events, activities, recreation, maps and weather. - Guide to local information in the USA.
ePodunk - Profiles more than 25,000 cities and towns, with vintage post cards, information about historic sites, museums, parks, colleges and schools, and a multimedia tour of the Erie Canal. - Search engine for art, music, theater and movie event listings, museums, nightclubs, aquariums, zoos, or botanical gardens.
Key to The City - A resource guide featuring thousands of cities from the United States including free submissions.
Life in the USA - Guide to culture, customs, education and immigration to information about home ownership and making a living in the US.
LookLocally - A national directory of over 60,000 businesses arranged geographically by category.
Metrobot - Map-based search engine and city guide, which displays listings and links for businesses on either side of individual street segments in chosen US cities. - Guide to all 50 states. Find information on flags, symbols, emblems, seals, populations, climate and people. USA - Quick reference directory of officially sanctioned city, town, county, area, regional, Chamber of Commerce, Convention and Visitors Bureau and other related web sites. USA - City and county council index of each state using clickable maps and lists.
OutdoorPlaces.Com - Destinations by region for National Parks, state parks, hiking trails, trips, rivers, caves, campsites, and natural area attractions. - Search engine and reference for United States place names.
Portal to America - A directory of links to US and Canadian web sites, sorted by topic. - A national network of regional hubs on the World Wide Web specializing in local information and services in over fifty U.S. cities.
Regional Site.Net - Search regional directories for local government, weather, recreation, travel, news, classified ads, and shopping information. For a fee businesses may add a listing.
SHG - States on the Web - Find state symbols, flags, seals, and links to social, demographic, and economic statistics.
State - Directory of state information. Listing of agencies with links to vital records, driver licenses, motor vehicles, insurance, corporations, statutes, taxes.
The US50, Inc. - A guide to history, information, research, outdoors, tourism, events and attractions for the fifty states.
Weber Publications - 50 States and Capitals - Lists the fifty states and information on their locations (latitude and longitude), birds, colleges and universities, constitutions, flowers, genealogical resources, and geological formations.