American Antiquity - Journals of the Society for American Archaeology: Tables of contents for issues from 1995; abstracts for recent issues.
American Journal of Archaeology - Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America has regular features, articles, book reviews and excavation reports.
Ancient American - Bi-monthly, color, popular science magazine. Subscription and ordering. Hosted by The Laura Lee Show.
Ancient Mesoamerica - Full text online, subscription details, tables of contents, abstracts and individual article purchase. Cambridge University Press.
Anistoriton - A magazine of history, archaeology and art history. An attempt to bridge the gap between professional historians and archaeologists and their specialized research and the general public.
Antiquity - International quarterly journal of expert archaeology. This long-standing journal is currently edited at the University of Cambridge. Web-site hosted by Internet Archaeology.
Antiquity Journal - Quarterly journal of archaeological research. Features news, article index and subscription details.
Archaeological Dialogues - Deals with theoretical and practical aspects of contemporary archaeology: includes subscription information, abstract of latest issue.
Archaeological Dialogues Journal - Deals with interpretative, theoretical, methodological, historical and political aspects of contemporary archaeology.
Archaeology - The official publication of the Archaeological Institute of America - a popular magazine. Abstracts and full-length articles from the current issue and back issues. Latest news online.
Art and Archaeology Magazine - Online news, reviews and virtual galleries of art and archaeology exhibitions in Europe and the United States; international calendar by European journalists and critics. [English/French]
Astrom Editions - Publisher of the Mediterranean Archaeology monograph series for Greece and Cyprus and Documenta Mundi, translations of Ancient Near Eastern texts. Founded by archaeologist Paul �str�ms in 1962.
Athena Review - Journal of archaeology, history, and exploration. Back issues online. Image archive, exhibition reports.
Backdirt - Bi-annual magazine of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA: includes subscription issue, articles from back issues.
Cambridge Archaeological Journal - Covers significant archaeological research, ranging widely in space and time. Full text online, subscription details, tables of contents, abstracts and individual article purchase. Cambridge University Press.
Geoarchaeology - An international, interdisciplinary journal published bimonthly. Interscience Wiley lists available issues, with abstracts of articles.
Historical Archaeology - The scholarly journal of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Contents and abstracts, style guide, staff.
The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology - Published for the Nautical Archaeology Society by Academic Press London. Abstracts of articles in current and back issues online and searchable. Information for authors.
Internet Archaeology - Fully refereed electronic journal for archaeology, international in scope. A collaboration of the British Academy, CBA and the Universities of Durham, Glasgow, Oxford, Southampton and York.
Journal of Ancient Civilizations (JAC) - A refereed journal by the Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, China. Index of contents, contribution guidelines, and subscription information.
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology - Published by Academic Press. Abstracts of articles in current and back issues online and searchable. Information for authors.
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory - Critically assess and interrogates research on a specific subject in archaeological method or theory. Subscription and author instructions.
Journal of Archaeological Research - Publishes research summaries on a broad range of topics and geographical areas. Subscription information, abstracts of recent issues, submission information.
Journal of Archaeological Science - Covers the application of scientific techniques and methodologies to archaeology: Abstracts, subscriptions.
Journal of Field Archaeology - An international, refereed quarterly published by Boston University. Abstracts of contents of all issues, indexed by author and topic. Editorial policy, guidelines for contributors.
Journal of Human Evolution - Palaeoanthropology and comparative studies of living species. Adcademic Press. Abstracts of articles in current and back issues online and searchable. Information for authors.
Journal of Roman Archaeology - An international journal publishing book reviews, articles and research findings in the field of Roman archaeology. Contents and sample articles. List of supplements.
Journal of World Prehistory - A scholarly international quarterly, published in the US. Editorial board, aims and scope, instructions for authors, contents and sample copy.
Latin American Antiquity - A quarterly journal on archaeology, prehistory, and ethnohistory in Mesoamerica, Central America, and South America, and culturally related areas, published by the Society of American Archeology. Abstracts online.
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry - Interdisciplinary international journal issued by The University of the Aegean in Rhodes, Greece. Focuses on the Mediterranean region.
Oxford Journal of Archaeology - Journal of European and Mediterranean archaeology, published by Blackwell for the Institute of Archaeology, University of Oxford. Highlights, contents and abstracts, sample article.
Volumes in Historical Archaeology - Edited by Stanley South and published by the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology. List of titles.