See also:
- Rhetoric Resources At Tech
- Created by faculty and students at Georgia Tech, this is nearly a textbook on the history, major figures, and key terms of rhetoric.
- Rhetorical Studies Resources
- Resources in philosophy, metaphor, and other topics of interest to rhetorical studies scholars, from the University of Iowa.
- Democracy: Rhetorical Texts - A catalog of links to e-texts of important speeches, largely from presidents and historic feminist figures, with research resources. Compiled by Robert Ivie of the University of Indiana.
- The Forest of Rhetoric - A guide to the terms of classical and Renaissance rhetoric provided by Dr. Gideon Burton of Brigham Young University.
- Immediacy of Rhetoric - Doctoral thesis about immediacy of the internet as a rhetorical forum.
- Kenneth Burke Parlor - References and discussions about Kenneth Burke, a prominent rhetorician.
- Modern Rhetorical Theory - Academic website with resources for rhetorical theory.
- Persuasion Analysis - Approaches for analyzing persuasion in advertising and political rhetoric through the Intensify/Downplay schema.
- The Power of Words - A description with examples of twenty types of emotional appeals, fallacious arguments, and other verbal manipulations that touch the heart and manipulate the mind.
- Rhetoric and Composition - A collection of online resources related to classical rhetoric, writing centers, and university rhetoric departments.
- Rhetoric and Composition Calls Fields Journals Listserves Moos Organizations Programs Terms - A portal for researchers and practitioners of Rhetoric and Composition.
- Rhetoric Links - Internet links on rhetoric and its theory. Particularly good collection of e-texts and background material on classical and early Christian rhetoric.
- Teachings about the art of oratory - A growing page on the teachings of rhetoric from the classic orators up to today's communicators.