Fairy Tales - Based on translations of the Grimms' Kinder- und Hausmärchen by Edgar Taylor and Marian Edwardes. Available in plain text, TeX, PDF, and as zip files. At Project Gutenberg.
Fairy Tales by the Grimm Brothers - Twenty fairy tales in both German and English, with illustrations from nineteenth-century editions, prepared by Robert Godwin-Jones, Virginia Commonwealth University.
Grimm Brothers - Provides tales and a biography of the Grimms.
Grimm Brothers' Home Page - Biographical information, studies of specific tales, electronic tales, and links to more resources.
Grimm's Fairy Tales - Complete text of 209 tales based on the translation by Margaret Hunt, called Grimm's Household Tales; available through the Universal Library.
Grimms Fairy Tales - All 209 tales, partly based on the translation by Margaret Hunt called "Grimm's Household Tales."
Grimm's Household Tales - Complete text of all 200 original tales and 10 supplementary ones in their original order including illustrations, with German and English in parallel texts.
Grimm's Teutonic Mythology - Complete texts of the four volume collection of Germanic mythology compiled by the Grimm Brothers.
Household Tales - Provides the text of 42 folktales from Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm.
Shoe Maker and The Elves - An online children's book with animation and links to games and coloring book downloads.