Leslie-Lohman Gay Arts Foundation - New York City organization dedicated to the awareness, appreciation and preservation of cultural art.
New Orleans Southern Decadence - Annual Labor Day weekend festival of arts, music and dancing. Includes news, comments, and frequently asked questions.
Queer Arts - Founded in 1996 as one of the first internet-based arts organizations. Includes extensive links to visual and literary resources, an events calendar, and membership information.
Queer Horror - Horror genre movie and book reviews, stories, chat, and photographs.
Russian Gay Culture - Includes links and bibliographic references on a variety of topics including literature, art, film, and history.
Southern Decadence - Annual arts and culture celebration in New Orleans.
An Underground Vision - Displays the underground music and art scene of Los Angeles.
Wild Cat International - Information about this independent media company involved in publishing, filmmaking, special events, and media consulting. Includes information about current film and book projects.