- America's Legal and Professional Bookstores - Carries casebooks, hornbooks, outlines, briefs and exam materials.
- BarristerBooks.com - Offering discounted law books and study guides for law students and legal professionals.
- Claitor's Law Books and Publishing - Selling books about the Code of Federal Regulations and tax law.
- EBC Bookstore - Law books, commentaries, and student books from India.
- Law Book Shop - Law books, legal reference, legal study aids, and legal self help books.
- Law books Online - Law books and legal texts for practitioners and students studying LLB, LLM or CPE.
- The Law Bookstore - Student, professional and do-it-yourself law books.
- The Lawbook Exchange - Specializes in antiquarian law books and legal history.
- LawBooks.com - Discount law books for law students and legal professionals.
- National Law Resource - Buying and selling used law books, with an online catalog organized by title and category.