See also:
- AccessLaw, Inc. - Publisher of California statutes and case law on searchable CD-ROM.
- CompuAct - Vendor of electronic libraries of South African legislation, by topic, in such areas as employment, occupational health and safety, labour relations, environmental legislation, and mines health and safety.
- Dahlstrom Legal Publishing, Inc. - Publisher of current Federal Rules at discount prices, including Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Federal Rules of Evidence, and the Bankruptcy Code.
- Infosources Publishing - Publishers of directories, practical reference guides, databases and other research tools for legal researchers.
- - Selling English translations of current Iranian laws and regulations.
- Potomac Publishing Company, Inc. - Publisher of United States statutes on CD-ROM and on the Internet.
- Quickscribe Services Ltd. British Columbia Legislation - Monitors and updates legislation in numerous specialized manuals.
- Research Institute of America - Publisher of U.S. Federal, State and local tax law information and analysis on CD-ROM.