Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement - International professional association addressing the changing needs and wide scope of skills required of advancement researchers and advancement service professionals working within the non-profit community.
Financial Executives Institute - A professional association for senior financial executives representing individuals from over 8,000 corporations throughout the United States and Canada.
National Association of Industrial Technology (NAIT) - Responsible for the promotion of industrial technology in business, industry, education, and government; the accreditation of industrial technology programs in colleges, universities, and technical institutes; and the certification of industrial technologists and recognition of their continued professional development.
National Association of Sales Professionals - Association for accredited salespeople. Offers accreditation program, job bank of sales positions, and other services for career salespeople.
Professional Ethics - A Canadian clearinghouse for resources, both Canadian and international, related to ethics in the professions.
Society for Case Research - Assists in the development of individual efforts in the field of case writing, case teaching and case research which enhances business education.