Apeiron - Journal published by the University of Texas covering ancient philosophy and science up to the end of the classical period. Site features editorial credits, manuscript submission guidelines, and subscription information.
EAWC: Exploring Ancient World Cultures - A series of on-line course supplements for students and teachers of the ancient and medieval worlds provided by the University of Evansville.
Greek Philosophy - The Origin of Philosophy: The Attributes of Mythic/Mythopoeic Thought - How was Greek philosophy different from what came before? Or was it different?
Greek Philosophy - Online community for casual and scholarly readers; articles and discussion forums available.
Greek Philosophy - Brief article outlining the history of Greek philosophy. From the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Greek Philosophy: Hellenistic Philosophy - This chapter of the learning module, Ancient Greece, briefly outlines the ideas of the major Hellenistic philosophies including Epicureanism, Stoicism, and Cynicism
Phronesis - Scholarly journal for the study of ancient Greek and Roman thought, available in print and digital formats. Offers information about subscribing and reproductions of select articles featured in the publication.
Project Archelogos - Database containing all the philosophical arguments of the works of Plato and Aristotle represented according to a method which makes explicit their logical interconnections.
Rivendell's Philosophy Page - Athenian philosophers, antique and medieval philosophers, rationalists, and modern philosophers, from the rivendell educational archive by Leigh Denault.
WCP: Ancient Philosophy - The Paideia Project: Proceedings of the 20th World Congress of Philosophy. Archive of contributed papers in Ancient Philosophy.