- Auden, W. H.@
- Belloc, Hilaire@
- Blake, William@
- Bradstreet, Anne@
- Caedmon@
- Chesterton, G. K.@
- Dante Alighieri@
- Donne, John@
- Eliot, T. S.@
- Herbert, George@
- Hill, Geoffrey@
- Hopkins, Gerard Manley@
- Jacopone da Todi@
- John of the Cross@
- Johnson, James Weldon@
- Kipling, Rudyard@
- Levertov, Denise@
- Milosz, Czeslaw@
- Milton, John@
- Pearl Poet, The@
- Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens
- Rice, Helen Steiner
- Rolle, Richard@
- Rossetti, Christina@
- Sayers, Dorothy L.@
- Shaw, Luci
- Southwell, Robert@
- Suso, Henry@
- Traherne, Thomas@
- Venantius Fortunatus@