John Adams Institute – Promotes American literature and culture in Europe by bringing authors and other speakers to Amsterdam to give lectures. With lecture details and membership information.
NetRead’s EventCaster – “Broadcasts up-to-date literary events nationwide to event editors at newspapers and web sites that subscribe . . . book readings, author signings, book conferences, open mics, and literary contests.” Audio – Free spoken word recordings from hundreds of authors. Includes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and live author events.
Seeing Ear Theatre – Features classic and contemporary science fiction and fantasy–in fully dramatized form (many programs from old radio shows), and also read by authors. Requires RealPlayer.
Spoken Interludes – A monthly salon for stories featuring writers and actors reading their own work and the work of others.
Telltale Weekly – Seeks to record, produce, and sell performances of at least 50 public domain texts per year, with the intention of releasing them under the Creative Commons Attrubition Non-Commercial License five years after their first appearance on the site (or after a hundred-thousand purchases of the recording, whichever comes first).
Wired for Books – Features modern and classic literature and literary criticism and discussion. Works are available in RealAudio, RealVideo, and multimedia presentations.
ZBS – Features contemporary audio drama, from original and published sources. (Requires Apple QuickTime 4.)