Daily Quotation Server – Poetry, literature, science, philosophy and rare quotes with online browsing, searching, daily email mailing, user voting and no banners.
Famous Quotes and Quotations – Browse a collection of famous quotes and quotations listed both by author’s name and topic or submit your own quotes.
Food Quotations – Quotations about food, ranging from the humorous to the philosophical, by everyone from Confucius to Mark Twain.
GIGA Quotes – This collection of quotations, aphorisms, maxims, proverbs, mottoes, book excerpts, and poems is browsable by author or cross-referenced topic.
MemorableQuotations.com – Quotations gleaned from the writings and speeches of the world’s most memorable individuals.
Military Quotes, Mottos, Jokes and Humor – Military quotations and other material, including Murphy’s Laws of Combat, Military mottos, military jokes and other military humor.
PhotoMatt JazzQuotes – A growing collection of quotes by famous jazz musicians, organized by artist. You can suggest your own and search the current ones.
The Phrase Finder – A large archive of phrases, sayings, quotes and cliches, with their meanings and origins. Give it a word and it will return a related list.
Phrases Worth Considering – About a hundred proverbs and famous quotations, sorted by subject, selected by Gunnar Hjalmarsson.
Psycho Proverb Zone – Humorous and thought provoking quotations and proverbs.
The Quotable Writer – Humorous, thought-provoking, and inspirational quotations about the craft of writing and the publishing business.
Quotation Center – Over 13,000 quotes searchable by author or subject.
Quote Garden – Sorted by subject: inspirational, thought-provoking, humorous, and literary; quotes for occasions and greetings.
Quote Geek – Searchable index of quotations from movies, television, literature, celebrities, and theater.
Quote Me On It – Large collection of quotations organized by subject and author.
Quotecha – Quotations presented randomly, and also searchable.
QuoteKingdom – Three thousand quotations by hundreds of famous people, arranged alphabetically.
QuoteWorld.org – A large comprehensive site with a search engine.
Quotez – Over 13500 quotations searchable by subject and by author. Daily quote mailing list, quotation software.
RhymeZone – Quotes sorted by author, searchable by content.
Roger’s Collection of Famous Quotations – Quip, proverbs and sayings by famous and not so famous people that ranges from Aristotle to Warren Zevon featuring Albert Einstein, Mae West and W.C. Fields.
Sad Quotes – Quotations sorted into sad songs, sad words and sad films.
Timely Quotes – Features timely quotes from the 19th and 20th century.
To Tell A Quote – Quotes on people, life, vegetarianism, history, and love. Updated often. Wide variety of links.
Vivamiracle! – Quotations, searchable database, jokes, and music.
Wall of Theorgy – Collection of quotes, thoughts, ideas, humor, and mental stimuli ranging from famous quotes to the webmasters thoughts.
Who Said That – Meaningful quotes from a wide variety of sources.
Wikiquote – A free quote database built collaboratively using Wiki software, a sister project to Wikipedia. (GNU Free Documentation License)
Wish I’d Said That! – A personal collection of over 4,300 quotations, professionally presented, with all the biographical and citation info I could dig up for each.
WordSkit – Quotations, categorized by source, includes examples of quotation mythology; wrongful attribution and misquotation.
Wordz – This site is a collection of quotations grouped by subject, including love, dreams, writing, and last words, among others.
World of Quotes – Over 14,000 quotes arranged by topic and author.