Electric Library – The Electric Library makes it possible to conduct real research over the Internet, using a deep database of reliable sources. Subscribers get 7 days free use of this site.
GrassHopper Shopper – A huge page full of Research Engines to help writers get the jump on gathering information.
Information Brokerage – Becoming an information broker can prove to be a bright home-business decision for a writer.
iTools – Search dictionaries, thesauri, the Bible, and many other tools.
Law Resources – Links to research on all types of law resources including a vast library of legal decisions.
Lexis-Nexis – Free access to class prep tools, The Bridge project, and web lectures on torts, contracts, property and other legal topics.
My Virtual Reference Desk – A one-stop site for all things Internet: news, weather, sports, reference, encyclopedia (50 areas), facts on file, FAQs, tutorials, search engines, Win95, free stuff, games
Online Dictionaries, Glossaries and Encyclopedias – An annotated listing of dictionaries, glossaries and encyclopedias that have some sort of version online or, if you will, a glossary of glossaries.
The Word Pool – This UK children’s book site provides book reviews, ideas, reviews and information on writing for children
Writers copyright information – Copyright Witness fact sheet dealing with copyright issues affecting writers. The site also contains a lot of general copyright information and advice, plus a registration facility to lodge copies of your work.
Writers Free Reference – A list of free reference sites useful to writers and anyone looking for free information.